Hello blog, I want to talk about a growing issue in my opinion. It's the way we look at achievements, more specifically political achievements.
How do we judge those who represent us? I think we judge in a wrong and dangerous way. It's more about quantity of the laws you pass and not the quality. We pass more laws whether by city council, by mayor, by state legislator and even by the president. We have more laws and regulations in this country than Kanye West has tweets on his twitter page.
It has become more about how many laws did you pass in two years by journalists than the quality of the laws. I don’t know about you guys, but if my representative passed five laws in two years that effected me in a positive way rather than five thousand laws that didn't really affect me personally, but half of them you never hear about,, I’d probably go with the first option.
I'll give you an example of stupid laws in this country. Did you know you cannot hunt whales in the great lakes on Sundays? First of all, I did not know Whales inhabited the Great Lakes. That law makes no sense! Why was it made?!
Don’t forget these guys are always invading into our lives with these laws. There’s so many laws that you want to open a small business, but you look at all the regulations and all the rules you must follow you just say "Wow forget it." Or even more so, running for public office, people have been run off their ballots locally and nationally just for some law that they broke without knowing it.
I'd like to have a country where when I wake up and I say I want to open a restaurant and I have three hundred thousand dollars to invest into this I can go for it. And not see mountains of paperwork telling me things I can or can’t do. That's just a turn off for business, for trading, for anything. This is the "Big Government" conservatives talk about constantly and I agree. I don’t like big government, but you look at the GOP and you see if the price is right or if it helps their personal interests. They’re willing to throw that principle out the window.
All parties are guilty of this. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter. They pass bills for the sake of having it on their resume next November. We hear both parties promise they will keep small business afloat and keep freedom, but all these regulations you follow if you don’t have a sponsor or a name you can’t run for any office you wish too. And just looking at all the rules you HAVE to follow to even OPEN a small business ruins that dream.
Get rid of these stupid unneeded regulations to destroy any future political opponents. And actually STAND for small business like you dems and repubs claim you do, get off the rocker of personal interest…please?
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