Friday, August 6, 2010

Fail Friday

It's that time of the week again.  Here are you Friday Fails of the week!

#5 Last night we saw another MLB Umpire blow another baseball game on one poor call. Fortunately it was just the Marlins so only like five people saw it live so I guess it's not too bad.

#4 Conservatives have been criticizing Democrats again due to Taxes (shocker). However with the taxes being done it would free up over eight hundred billion out of the deficient (almost equal to the stimulus) But, instead, Republicans want to talk about possibly losing another 1.6 Billion into the deficient and yet want to oppose the thought of freeing up eight hundred billion from the deficient.

#3 Democrats have also failed as we are at the mid-terms in case you haven't noticed. We are amidst the most extreme group of republicans against Abortion. Angle, Rhand Paul etc. All agree that Abortion should never be done and should illegal even in cases of rape and incest.

And yet no Democrats have brought this up to the light of the public. Abortion has been a completely untouched issue in debates and in the public’s questions to the candidates. Come on now.

#2 At home in Kansas we are seeing the senate race between Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt. Never have I seen my state have such a one sided election so far. I drove through town today and saw one Tiahrt sign and about forty Moran signs. And ad's? I've seen maybe one Tiahrt ad and about six or seven a night for Moran. Just drop out now and spare the embarrassment of a landslide.

#1 Our Failure of the week is a true shocker. The industry I'm going to talk to you about…I mean honestly I didn't think they were capable of doing this. Never have I heard of any wrong doing of this industry (SARCASM). Our failure of the week is the insurance companies. Yet again in trouble this time with scamming money from military families who have served the country. Most of these families are only seeing 1% of the pay they are promised in case of injury or death. Where’s the rest go? Right into a non-valid account directly to the corporations banking account. How though? They simply make you sign away 99% of this money days after the death of your relative and force you to sign the contract at your most vulnerable time. How noble.

I also want to tell you a story I heard today about our hero Superman. Superman recently saved a house from being foreclosed.

The family was preparing to move out after being foreclosed when the family stumbled on issue #1 of the Superman comic book! After selling it on EBay the family was given hundreds of thousands of dollars and kept their house. Stories like these really lighten my day and I hope they did for you too. Goodnight Blog!

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