Friday, October 29, 2010

Not So Small Government

Greetings blogspotters...okay, bad name. Anyway, you always hear about Conservatives always claiming to be Small Government.

No you're not! Sorry, you’re not for small government.

You ask them, do you want a bigger Military?

Most likely they will answer yes.

Do you want more police? Most likely they will answer...yes.

How they claim to be for small government when they support these two things being bigger is beyond me. If that doesn't tell you they aren't for small government look at some of their plans coming soon.

Investigation of miscarriages to make sure there’s no "foul play". What's a bigger invasion by the Government than having your own pregnancy investigated?

Other ideas include tracking illegal aliens having children and pretty much deporting them after the pregnancy. While I'm discussing illegal aliens, does anyone find it ironic how some of these pro-lifer candidates want to track illegal aliens having children in hospitals? Doesn't that just discourage immigrants from going to hospitals to get their child delivered? I thought they cared about the wellbeing of children in ALL circumstances and yet they are aiming to prevent these children from getting a proper delivery.

(Still completely off topic) I had a revelation. I may stop the ownage of the tea baggers. I point out the inconsistencies often, but when you’re as crazy as some of these candidates does it really matter if you're inconsistent?

Back on the topic at hand, let's not forget wire tapping. Nothing says “Small Government” like having your phone tapped. (I caught them once listening in on me, heard Cheney breathing on the third line myself.)

Let's also link another value of conservative land…Fiscal Responsibility? All the terrorist programs you want to fund? You have agencies to try and protect us from all types of terrorist attacks. But, no complaints there, just hand over the tax money for that and not for any kind of Social Security, Healthcare, unemployment or anything like that right?

So to wrap things up. Conservatives, you’re not some far off entity that can’t even compare to a liberal. You’re closer than you think except on Social Issues

The only noticeable difference I see other than Social Issues is you want to cut programs from our taxes that actually DO benefit us.

You both fund dumb programs that almost none of us benefit from.

Can’t cut some of those unnecessary high cost, no result programs, cut social security, and while you’re at it still complain about Obama.

Complain hard even when/if you win house and senate.

Complain and when you do make the changes intelligent people are actually foreseeing.

The morons who bought your crap will jump back to the Democratic side by 2012.

When you're behind that Damn Palin and lose.

Then you will complain EVEN MORE.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

TangentX on...

McDonald's Monopoly game::

Anyone go to McDonald’s lately. Not I, but I have a friend that has been going every single day for the past week or two peeling off those Monopoly stickers trying to create a match.

Every single day for Lunch, and you know McDonald’s, the bigger the order the more stickers. And we all know they make one really common just to excite you and then make the other one reallllyyy rare. Like the million dollar one. Park Place is the most common and Boardwalk is almost non-existent.


ObamaCare campaigning:

I know in Kansas this is getting stupid, really stupid. I'm fairly certain this is happening elsewhere too. You know those stupid Campaign Ads that just list what they’re not really for but appear to be for and they will just go out at the end or in the middle and say "By the way, Mr. Schneeglebopper supported Obama Care". It's like they said they killed your dog or something. Just shut up about it. It's not going to make me vote for you either.

Oh look Joseph Effin’ Stalin is an evil guy but his opponent supports Obama care and that’s the lowest of the low, better vote for this Stalin guy.

No No No


I'm starting to see a increase in people using texting abbreviations and now it's spilled into terminology and actual meaningful words.

You know the classic lOl and LMAO. But now people are abbreviating damn sentences.

I'll leave you with this


I'll let you decide what i just said.

Kansas Values:

This is a local thing. I'll have to try to find an ad where it mentions it. I'm not sure if it happens in other states. Can anyone verify that? Do people in Ohio run around saying "I live on Ohio Values" but anyway what in the world is Kansas Values?

I’ve lived in Kansas my whole life. I don’t know any special “values” we have that separates us from other states, honestly. We’re a pretty solid red state just like the others to the south or west of us. Other than knowing how to plant wheat really well and produce mass quantities of it, I don’t know anything about "Kansas Values".

Conservative kids:

I found this post on a forum board a little while ago. Just some fifteen year old brainwashed kid who has no idea what he's talking about.

I did not alter this post:

Those liberals there a bunch of commies, in Europe they have big goverment and high taxes because there a bunch of socialists. thank i am American in the conservative land of USA where we have gods freedom.

Enough said.

TangentX out

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm back...and the world is still messed up.

Hello Blog, nearly a billion blogging years ago, I left to get my internet provider changed and in that time (a week) we had the usual hilarious campaign ads.

The downright crazy Sharon Angle “Look, it's a Mexican” ad.

And this gem from a California (or Carlyfiorina if you’re crazy) candidate.

While they all will be lined up sometime later this week for me to dig into, I want to talk about something I saw earlier.

I was with the family at Dillions. (A Kansas market trying to take down the Evil Wal-mart) Anyway, we went to checkout and I noticed before I walked out an older man who was sacking the items we purchased. He looked over sixty to me. I glanced at his name tag, his name was Lou, and he has worked at this store since 1997.

I started thinking about how potentially; if the Republicans get the house, want to scratch Social Security. (Oh wait, maybe now they don’t since they won the Republican ticket for their respective states.)

I know people, notably Republicans, hate paying taxes and they should. I'm sure I'll hate paying taxes when I reach that point in my life. Why I'd hate taxes is because what I'm paying into never really benefits me or anyone around me. But one of the few things -- like Social Security -- that people DO benefit from, they want to scratch.

Now the big thing Republicans always talk about on Social Security is how it's going to drive us bankrupt or destroy us. Yet, on a recent poll, a majority realizes this but at the same time didn't want to pay taxes. However, there’s also over 30% who don’t want to pay taxes BUT WANT Social Security to stay.

Yeah, I'm going to complain and see how high the debt in this country goes, but at the same time I don’t want to pay taxes for it. You see, it's this kind of stupidity and not contributing to my own society to complain about the deficit, but not wanting to make the sacrifices to get us out of it that will one day...make us all Lou's.  Working when we are so old that our arthritic hands can barely keep up.

And republicans want to raise retirement age to 70?!

It seems to me we'll be working until we croak. Throwing away something like Social Security for a guy who's probably been doing labor jobs for 3/4th's of his life, you tell me how that’s right.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gone fishing

No, not really. But I will be away this weekend. See you back here middle of next week.

Till then, keep fighting the good fight.

Tangent X

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oops! He did it again.

Well, Bill O'Reilly did it again!
Of course most of you heard about how on The View he told the country Muslims attacked us on 9/11. This raised the testosterone levels of the entire set to record highs before Whoopi stormed off!
This is about as funny as when they debated about whether or not the Earth was round.
Sorry, getting sidetracked. (It’s the ADD) Nonetheless, O'Reilly was correct. Muslims technically attacked us on 9/11. However, when there’s a clear and more accurate and narrowing term for them of course O’Reilly will call them by that term.

He chooses to condemn and an entire group instead of, preferably – oh, I don’t know –

Al Queda!

Here’s an example. Since this blog has been plagued with the Phelps’ lately, I'll feed Fred again. If the Westboro church protested another Military Funeral and the press was to actually make a story about it would they put “BAPTISTS’ PROTEST FUNERAL”?

No they wouldn't because they'd call them by a more narrow term like “Insane Westboro Bigots”.
But O'Reilly has done this all the time, what else would be new?

What I'm disappointed with was how The View responded to it by walking away. What does that do? Just walking away? Of course people will say they were so disgusted that they left.
What about the O'Reilly fans though? I'll give you a quote:

“Yeah, Bill O'Reilly told the truth and Whoopi and Behar did not like it.”

I got this off a forum I found talking about this kind of stuff. There pretty much claiming a win just as I thought they would.
When someone leaves and walks off like that you look weak. It's that simple. Only time it works is if there’s a fire or some Iranian journalist is about to throw a shoe at you.
Same goes for Rand Paul at his debate. The same old Aqua God came up in the debate and he got offended and said "How Dare you?!" over and over like a broken down tape recording.
He wouldn't bother shaking his hand afterwards either…and you know just how far we have fallen in this country on politics. We'll probably see some poorly funded campaign ad about Rand Paul not shaking hands

Since we are speaking of Campaign Ads, it must also contain the words:

How many times do I have to see a campaign just point at each other with both candidates saying?
“OH YEAH…Well… you…Like Obama Care!”

I mean you could probably say you’re a Neo Nazi, a racist who wishes to jail all Black people, and wish to make church Mandatory on Sundays.

The response....WELL YOU SUPPORT OBAMA CARE and the crowd will be in shock. Shocked, I tell you! Not about the Nazi statement but that he supported Obama Care.

Wow, I really got sidetracked on this one. Better stop while I’m not ahead.

Till my next tangent…

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hate speech and freedom of speech: do they go together?

Fred Phelps
TheWestboro Baptist Church, our unfriendly hate driven bigots from down the lane, are currently in a court case, for protesting a funeral for a soldier. You know the fringe philosophy they hold dearly, Military deaths are a sign that we’re being punished for letting Gay's in our country. blah blah blah.
I sit down and think about the case, the arguments for both sides, and I unfortunately feel like it's hard to decide. It really shouldn't be that hard. But, as much as we all hate to admit it, they have their rights too. Even if what they do is incorrect.

Much like how we all talked a few months ago about how the Mosque *could* advocate a hatred for America. There’s no speculation here, we know they hate America. It's on their signs all the time.
This doesn't mean they don’t deserve the right for speech; they earn their place there just like I earn my place on this blog. It sucks and it's the exact opposite of what I think. So with that in mind we can all flip them the bird, respond back with our own signs and remind them they are bigots. It's just the way it is. If I say they can’t protest or speak out, and throw them in Jail, then what's stopping someone who disagrees with me from doing the same to me?

Freedom of speech protects the outsiders like WBC. It says they can still say what they want and not worry about being thrown in jail for it even if the populous disagrees. Even if it's wrong and they’re a terrible bunch.

While I am mentioning this I have to ask why doesn't Fox or MSNC or CNN talk about this case? It's a big deal at least to me. Their home base is in my backyard, I have to see those signs when I go to school or simply drive down the street.
Anyway, this is about the first Amendment and if this goes too far or not. This is questioning the Constitution, so why isn't this being mentioned? Too controversial? Is that what it is Media? You can’t report this story because if you say the wrong thing you may lose viewers? It's not about reporting the news anymore it's about viewership and keeping the viewers happy even if it means not reporting about something that may upset you. So how am I supposed to trust any of you cable news channels if your afraid to report a story outside your comfort zone or admit the other party is right on Fox or on MSNBC.
Sorry, going into a Tangent here. (TangentX haha) To wrap it up folks...we are able to say what we want...and if we’re told not too they become the oppressors...just like if we go against our word and tell WestBoro they cant protest then we ourselves become the oppressors.

Agree with me? Disagree? Let me know in the comments below. Would love to hear from my reader(s).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why is different considered bad?

So...Carl Paladino is trying to capture the ever so important extreme religious groups that dress like Amish people on speed vote. Of course, this little group are against gay marriage and like any good politician Carl appeals to that group just so the next time he talks to the opposing group he can change his position to get their votes too.

You tell me, is this better for our kids, Carl?

Now this is nothing new, and I really shouldn't talk about it, but then he went to the Today show where he started spewing his usual grotesque stupidity. He pointed out that a Gay Parade is no place for a child. Maybe he's right, getting involved that young is wrong, you know why? BECAUSE I DONT KNOW ANY KID OUT THERE WHO WILL JUST WILLINGLY WALK AROUND FOR HOURS AND HOLD SIGNS WITH A COUPLE HUNDRED TO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS.
Again, better for you Carl? (This sort of hate should NOT be happening in America!)
That's just forcing your kid to do something which, (I was a kid, still am to a lot of people), I don’t want too do so why should they?

Nonetheless we know what Carl meant by his comment.

I got news for you Carl and other misinformed older generations, kids know about Gay's. They acknowledge their existence. In fact, I'm going to go further here, in grade school I learned more about sex, gays, etc. in my six years at elementary school than at any other time in my life. You really think that a class with thirty children that not one is a little aware of these type of things and don’t spew what they know or are told.
It's funny, actually, I think Carl, Christine, and the entire cult I mentioned earlier should be wrapped up and taken to a local elementary school. I think they would actually learn a thing or too about this generation.
They know about Gay people. Sorry, nothing you can do, however what I do need to point out is what they say about Gay's seem to come from their parents. You know Kids, they’re like parrots.
No let’s talk sex. Ever notice how guys like Carl try to make it seem Gay people are just raging sexaholics and are just constantly having sex 24/7. I have a question, how the hell are they having rallies without just having sex in the middle of the streets? I thought they were going at it all the time. I also want to ask, so frickin what if they do it 24/7? Not my problem or business.
Ironically though, we hear a tragic event at the Washington Bridge of a young man from Rutgers University jumped to his eventual death. He was gay and was recorded having sex with another male. That's another person ashamed of there sexuality, dying.

RIP Tyler Clementi

Yeah being Gay, that's a choice. I don’t know about you, but if I were to choose to be Gay I'd drop the act ages ago and wouldn't have committed suicide.
Isn't it obvious, people hate what they don’t understand. They don’t’ know, they can’t comprehend this business of Gay's, they can’t understand why someone would do that. So because they can’t understand they say it's wrong… it's bad.

You shouldn't do it because I don’t understand it, that’s their big message?
It's just like saying, "Hey, I'm a different color from you, but this is me so therefore I'm the right color". Then again, as I write down that comparison, I remember the people I'm talking about and realize that, sadly, this is how some of them do think of skin color.

Being different isn't bad but ignorance is.

An idle world (because I couldn't leave you with that image of those poor kids above.)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Republicans are messing up again.

Hello blog, what's up? I'll tell you what's up, Democrats polling. Support has once again gone up for the November election for Democrats. Of course, they have a lot of work to still do, but it still shows that we despise Republicans. Unlike what everyone else is saying that we have once again turned 180 degrees from the previous Election to now.

It's kind of a surprise since Democrats aren't hitting very hard and how hysterical it is that Republicans are destroying themselves through bestiality E-mails, and informing your state that you in fact are not a witch.

By the way, if you go to Christine O’Donnell’s campaign website you will find that her answers to every issue are summed up in one sentence. It still baffles me how she won her primary.

High Tax bad Low Tax Good (Insert a few contractions) and you'll pretty much get her answer to everything.

Speaking of disapproval, last week Sarah Palin sat in the front row of “Dancing with the Stars”. She was interviewed and around that time there were some Boo's. Now “Dancing with the Stars” says they were booing another contestant’s scores. I re-watched this clip and I don’t think live crowds have thirty second delays. Her score was given then Boo's erupted seconds later they were not instant.

What was happening off camera at the time, however, was Mr. Whatever-the-hell-his-name-is that can’t buy a funny line sat down next to Palin therefore causing the Boo's. I point this out because live crowds are the most brainless bunch of people in the world. They will cheer for ANYONE with star power as long as they are in front of them. If you’re getting booed LIVE by a bunch of boring ballerinas you don’t have a very good chance in 2012, sorry.

What “Dancing with the Stars” CAN’T deny is how Bristol almost got eliminated and when she became safe boo's erupted then too. Sorry, there were no strange occurrences around that time that would cause the crowd to boo other than the dislike for the Palin’s.
I laugh at both these parties. The Democrats are playing so weak it's not even funny. The President himself has to campaign for his people because they can’t construct any type of campaign against their extremely flawed opponents.
Honestly, I think my seven year old brother could defeat these Republicans. Make the fact that they want to take Social Security an issue, no? State the fact that the Bush tax Cuts will cost three times more than the stimulus, no. Hell, that’s not even talking about how some of these candidates say this is a Christian Nation or how STUPID Sharon Angle is for saying she doesn't believe the Constitution states there is no separation from the Church or State.

I also want to point out how a main point for Republicans is just to point out when Democrats vote for something Obama does. It's like some kind of Skin Rash to them or contamination. Trying to help better our country over than agreeing with a Liberal that's an election loss. It really shows how dumb and comical these elections have reached. We’re at the point where they don’t even DEBATE anymore. Honestly, these guys don’t even debate each other they just pass around ads. What happened to the debates? The only one I've heard about is where that chick's, who’s face is about to fall off, from Arizona saying those moronic comments about severed bodies in the Arizona desert!
Then she chickened out and refused to debate anymore and for good reason. I would have dropped out of that campaign and then go to the desert and hope the nicest thing to happen to me was being a severed body in the middle of the Arizona desert.
So behind all the smoke and mirrors, ladies and gentleman, is this Election…well, it sucks they don’t impress me very much Liberals will continue to just call them crazy even if most of us are insane now. And Republicans will put together one line sentences for why Health Care is bad on their websites.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's all about the Benjamins

So I sat down with my highly trained economic team today and I have discovered the cure to stop high taxes! It was there all along and I just discovered the way to stop the Taxation of our people!

It starts with the income of the common man.
Carry the one. Add fifty, times it by four...
And you get…Zero (rough estimate)

That’s when you realize how much you can be taxed if you have no money! Nothing, it makes sense! Quit your jobs, give up your stock, leave your cooperation, and change your name to Frankie Muniz. You’re flat broke!

You'll finally be free from taxation. It's a small price to pay to make sure you don’t lose your summer home or have to switch from that nice Chinese food catering to that nasty Indonesian catering.

So that's why I have proposed an idea -- visionary votes for the Republican candidates. I mean, they already nearly bankrupted us with Bush so let's have um do it again. Then you can’t get taxed.

It's not hard to be a peasant, either, other than learning how to cook, clean, do laundry, be self hygienic. *tears start welling up* No Maids or servants…no three course m-m-eals.

Oh, damn it, it's back to the drawing board. *wipes my eyes* How do people live that way? Self independence is sickening!

So, even though you get a bite taken out of your billion dollar profits per year, I guess it's still just slightly better than that Joe guy who makes 10.50 an hr. Just a little better. I mean they get everything, don't they? They don’t have to pay massive amounts of money to the Government while you suffer by paying for sitting in your summer home drinking some scotch.

That's why I have decided I am NOT giving up my trillion dollar corporation.  If I had one, that is...