Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why is different considered bad?

So...Carl Paladino is trying to capture the ever so important extreme religious groups that dress like Amish people on speed vote. Of course, this little group are against gay marriage and like any good politician Carl appeals to that group just so the next time he talks to the opposing group he can change his position to get their votes too.

You tell me, is this better for our kids, Carl?

Now this is nothing new, and I really shouldn't talk about it, but then he went to the Today show where he started spewing his usual grotesque stupidity. He pointed out that a Gay Parade is no place for a child. Maybe he's right, getting involved that young is wrong, you know why? BECAUSE I DONT KNOW ANY KID OUT THERE WHO WILL JUST WILLINGLY WALK AROUND FOR HOURS AND HOLD SIGNS WITH A COUPLE HUNDRED TO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS.
Again, better for you Carl? (This sort of hate should NOT be happening in America!)
That's just forcing your kid to do something which, (I was a kid, still am to a lot of people), I don’t want too do so why should they?

Nonetheless we know what Carl meant by his comment.

I got news for you Carl and other misinformed older generations, kids know about Gay's. They acknowledge their existence. In fact, I'm going to go further here, in grade school I learned more about sex, gays, etc. in my six years at elementary school than at any other time in my life. You really think that a class with thirty children that not one is a little aware of these type of things and don’t spew what they know or are told.
It's funny, actually, I think Carl, Christine, and the entire cult I mentioned earlier should be wrapped up and taken to a local elementary school. I think they would actually learn a thing or too about this generation.
They know about Gay people. Sorry, nothing you can do, however what I do need to point out is what they say about Gay's seem to come from their parents. You know Kids, they’re like parrots.
No let’s talk sex. Ever notice how guys like Carl try to make it seem Gay people are just raging sexaholics and are just constantly having sex 24/7. I have a question, how the hell are they having rallies without just having sex in the middle of the streets? I thought they were going at it all the time. I also want to ask, so frickin what if they do it 24/7? Not my problem or business.
Ironically though, we hear a tragic event at the Washington Bridge of a young man from Rutgers University jumped to his eventual death. He was gay and was recorded having sex with another male. That's another person ashamed of there sexuality, dying.

RIP Tyler Clementi

Yeah being Gay, that's a choice. I don’t know about you, but if I were to choose to be Gay I'd drop the act ages ago and wouldn't have committed suicide.
Isn't it obvious, people hate what they don’t understand. They don’t’ know, they can’t comprehend this business of Gay's, they can’t understand why someone would do that. So because they can’t understand they say it's wrong… it's bad.

You shouldn't do it because I don’t understand it, that’s their big message?
It's just like saying, "Hey, I'm a different color from you, but this is me so therefore I'm the right color". Then again, as I write down that comparison, I remember the people I'm talking about and realize that, sadly, this is how some of them do think of skin color.

Being different isn't bad but ignorance is.


An idle world (because I couldn't leave you with that image of those poor kids above.)

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