Sunday, August 22, 2010

Endorsements: Good or Bad?

Hello, blog with the mid-term elections in sight – only about seventy days away I believe – we’re starting to see endorsements come in across the board. Overall this mid-term has been pretty strange with the endorsements. Church's endorsing candidates, just as an example. Of course the big endorsement that I think is a curse would be Obama's endorsements to the Democratic candidates

This guy can be extremely arrogant sometimes. I'm just going to say it right now; he knows his approval ratings are down the drain at nearly 50%. He knows that Fox and Conservatives automatically disagree with ANYTHING he does. But, there he goes going out there on the campaign trail to try to help the democrats and I think it's only going to hurt them.

I'm not sure what he's thinking I know he probably has well intentions, but here’s the thing – and this is a big secret – most of the people who are voting against democrats this year are doing so because they are displeased with Obama. So, going out there to try to get them to vote for you – just by placing his endorsement – isn't going to sway anyone because people who aren't voting democrat just don’t like how he’s running the place.

As for the undecided voters, maybe I'm wrong on this or I haven't seen it, but I don’t see anyone going "Well, the President said vote for this guy! Well, here I go!"

No, I never see that happen and it goes WELL beyond Obama's endorsements. I don’t ever get my interest perked from an endorsement. I have never see endorsements work either. Remember back in 2008 when Obama got endorsed by the Kennedy's and what do you know Clinton won that state. Not even the Kennedy family -- the closest to royalty in the United States – could pull the endorsement win off. Another example, in Kansas I see ads for Tiehrt who is endorsed by Palin. I see that and I'm not interested in ANY WAY to vote for him now. In fact it is the opposite.

Bottom line political endorsements FAIL unless there from Nike and grant you millions of dollars. Too bad Nike is the fastest company to throw you under the bus the second you get tabloid trouble. Guess they all fail, sorry Endorsements.

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