Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Really bad ideas.

I've got some "good" ideas
Hello blog, Sunday on Meet the Press house minority leader Mitch McConnell, or a more scientific term for him – Turtle man – dodged REALLY BADLY the question about Bush's tax cuts. If you don’t, know the Republicans want to once again keep the tax cuts that Bush set after the Ten years have been up in which we would have to pay for them. The price? 3.1 TRILLION dollars to the deficit.

The LEADER of the party, that is attacking democrats over the deficit and spending, is trying to pander to the 2% and lie to the rest of us. Now here is where it gets interesting, he thinks we can get the tax cuts without paying for them?! Although in the LAW it says after ten years of the Bush Tax cuts (if extended into 2011 and beyond) we would have to pay and pay big time, 3.1 TRILLION. So you think, “Hmm, what will they take away to make up that 3.1 Trillion dollars?” YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY!

Yes, your social security, the thing that Republicans have tried to get rid for so long with fear tactics. It's just classic Republican tactics. Pander to the 2% tax bracket and cripple the remaining 98%.

This also shows they’re lying about their love for small business. Making us pay for their Tax Cuts would hurt small business and prevent people from hiring. And prevent businesses from giving these people jobs. As Mr. Beck would say about the 99'ers, "Get a job" is increasingly harder to do when the government does things like this by only helping 2% of the population.

Today, we have a few primaries and if you live in those states let them know how you feel at the voter’s box. This so called "plan" to help the recession is far from helping. Experts have warned that keeping these cuts would bring DARKER times to our economy.

I also noticed something in that “Meet the Press” interview that NO ONE else seems to be talking about. I noticed Mitch says that “This administration, for the last THREE YEARS…” Just a reminder, Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009.

Mitch, my man, you are telling me you and your party have an idea to "fix" this economy, but you can't even count?

We all know, though, that this wasn't some unintentional mistake. Look at it this way, the recession hit early on in 2008. Conveniently that's almost three years ago. This turtle of a man is trying to tell you, the people, that as soon as Obama stepped into office this recession magically hit. Maybe I'm wrong on that assumption, but then again I doubt it considering the same guy is also planting skepticism about Obama being a Muslim and contributing to the 34% of the Republicans in this country that do believe Obama is Muslim.

Can't tell 'um apart, can ya?
That's all I got to say about Turtle man and his "plan".

I leave you today with some more refreshing hypocrisy. Take this video of Glenn Beck, a few years ago (2006),  talking to Imma Rauf about Moderate Islam’s. Beck says he is the epitome of moderate Islam’s and that the country needs to see that we should fight the radicals NOT all Muslims.

"I didn't mean it? I miss-spoke?"

In 2010 times have sure changed, huh, Beck boy?


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