Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's that time again UGH, Part 2

Hello ladies and gentlemen, as promised here is Part 2. So let's get started. Today I want to talk to you about something pretty simple. Can you define your political party anymore?

I don’t think a Conservative or a Liberal can be defined by a set of laws anymore. Right now we see a party who wants to keep tax's low. OH wait! Wrong one. We got the Democrats who support the Bush Tax cuts. Which has split the party somewhat, some support some don’t. Conservatives stand by religion? A lot do but to say there aren't Democrats who support religion? That’s nuts.

Gay rights? Most Democrats don’t want to repeal DADT same with Conservatives. What do they have in common though? They both fund these dumb programs that don’t benefit anyone or are helpful. They spend billions of unneeded tax dollars.

How about we leave the present? Abraham Lincoln, the record books show, was a Republican. Hold up though, historically, if you compare Lincoln then to the liberal view today, Lincoln has a hell of a lot in common with them don’t you think?

Conservative outlook and liberal outlook are constantly changing.

Remember John McCain? Fox News and the lot wouldn't vote for him because he wasn't conservative enough.

My question is, can you even tell us how far right you want?

Now back in the time machine we see the Liberals of then look a lot like the conservatives of today! Our two head parties are always changing therefore we can’t truly define what a REAL LIBERAL or a REAL CONSERVATIVE is. I don’t see how that works either. Is there some kind of measuring stick to decide if you are liberal enough for me or conservative enough? People constantly try to compare real conserves or real liberals to the liberals and conservatives of today. Don’t waste your time. There is no solid liberal and solid conservative. I don’t care what anyone says, you cannot FULLY support EVERY SINGLE idea in a party unconditionally.

I agree with some points by a conservative and some points by liberals. I don’t understand anyone who FULLY supports 100% Liberal or conservative. If they do they are pretty blinded.

Ideas and opinions change by person everyone has them.

Now I want to get down to the point, these parties and outlooks are what is truly hurting America. These people aren't willing to part ways with their party. They really do put PARTY before public. And that frightens me. George Bush had a bailout of his own in his administration and the Republicans supported it.

President Obama had his bailout and not one republican voted for it.

That’s politics at its absolute worse right there, ladies and gentlemen, putting your party first.

I live in Kansas and we are in election fever. Constant ads are being played on our television sets, mainly between Jerry Moran and Todd Tiehart. Jerry Moran has an ad that really bothered me. He said he opposes the Obama Agenda. Why is that in your campaign? What does that matter? Does that mean you can’t think for yourself?

America, I want someone who can capture all of us and appeal to all of us not just trying to capture their own party’s vote. Try to pull us together from this wedge of (D) and (R) instead of saying "I don’t support Obama therefore I prove I'm conservative vote for me!" Each (Tiehart and Moran) try to use Obama as a way to sway the republican vote by saying, “OH HE VOTED WITH OBAMA” more; therefore he’s a bad person.

All that it's saying, if you agree with Obama on some extents, you should not be in office and I find that sickening. Provide your ideas and not just how many times you were beside Obama on a law.

Representatives vote for what you believe in and not what’s popular with your party. These men and women are what we look too if we’re in trouble, but there too busy trying to keep their job instead of voting for what they believe in and what possibly could help the American people. And that is why I have no faith in Washington.

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