Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Over!

The combat mission is over in Iraq! “It's over!” said that guy who uses big words on T.V. I think there needs to be a feature on our televisions that makes us hear what we want: "Uh, look, I'm a Muslim and I uh was not born in this country."

Audience at home: "Oh I knew it!"

I honestly did not listen to anything this man had to say because he wants to keep social security and that's wrong. We should work until we die. It's good ethnics and morals, keeps the youngins off the street and uneducated just like I like um so they will vote for me!

Nonetheless, he says it's over. Our combat mission is over; no more MG's blowing through human flesh promoting democracy! Instead we are going to build their Government up BOREEEE. How will CNN get viewers from that now? Coming up: guys in suits talking about how to stop the violence *Snore.*

This is not why I am blogging tonight, however. Tonight I want to talk about why we should be worshiping Mr. Bush! Without him, he wouldn't have made this all possible cause without him he wouldn't have had four different reasons set over seven long years on why we are there! Really America?! You need FOUR reasons now? Four dishonest, ever changing, and lacking in evidential reasoning to raise arms against another country, all to promote peace by blowing up their homes up. You had me at explosions, Mr. Bush.
First we had 9/11 we went in Iraq to fight the Iraqi's after 9/11 because they had 0 to do with 9/11 sounds fair to me. Then we had the threat of weapons of mass destruction! And they weren’t there, but how dare you say they couldn't be just because there is no evidence. Have you found Mr. Osama? For all you know it could be under his mattress, think about that one Osama could be hiding in Afghanistan with weapons of mass destruction preparing to blow us up!...Afghanistan...not Iraq...Wait?

Third, we were told Saddam Hussein was a bad man. You’re darn right he was. Good job Bush, I love you so much. That took some real investigating, I tell ya.

Fourth, turns out Saddam was ruining oil for the U.N. and we were protecting the U.N. cause we are the big man on campus who protects the little U.N. We’re that hero that gets told by the U.N. not to war with Iraq, but we do it for them anyway. They don’t actually mean what they say I think it was opposite day that day.

So not only was Bush building mountains of evidence to destroy the Middle East, he was also in good spirits about playing opposite day. How could we also forget, we are also a lot safer. We have wire taps now and we now get to listen to what our neighbors have to say. You say invasion of privacy I say bah to that. Unless, of course, you have something to hide! Think about it. There could be a serial killer living next door whose house smells like dog.

The Patriot Act, too! We now plan ahead by putting people away who look the role, but haven't acted it out yet. Better safe than sorry right?

So, my lovely reader, who’s responsible? The guy who protected us so well by giving us colorful and lovely narratives that persuades us to have Dick Cheney breathing on the end of our phone lines. Or the boring guy who pulls us out of combat missions and doesn't tell cool stories, and actually applies this extreme left wing thought called "Logic" to pulling us out of a seven year war. I know my answer.

Rally Time!

Hello blog, sorry for the lack of content. Been away for the last few days, but rest assured I am here now, so please continue not reading me.

As we are all aware Glenn Beck had his “Restoring Honor” rally Saturday pulling an unknown amount of people. Some say 80,000 others say 300,000. I say about three billion. I mean, Beck said the Holy Spirit was going to take over him, who wouldn't want to see that?! Another person claiming to be one with the Holy Spirit, yeah right, try fifth time this week.
According to my secret resources, ninety five percent of this crowd was only there for free tea on Saturday’s, and are secretly English born people.

Nonetheless, Beck and Palin put on a nice little show where Beck set the record straight. This was NOT for politics. It was for the Glenn Beck bank account and done for the viewers. Well done brother. Nothing says Holy Spirit like conning a couple thousand people into thinking your a prophet. Just ask Pat Robertson and the 700 club of many Benjamins.

Just how brilliant and amazing were these supporters who came together to sweat, breathe heavy, and look in awe at how Beck is able to talk with just a little microphone with no strings attached.
"HOW DOES HE DO IT?!" Well on everyone’s favorite morning progam-- with more plastic people than your kids Fisher price set -- The Today Show, they caught up with these fantastic supporters of free will and justice.
"We need to uhh uhh uhh protect our uhh constitution." A Brilliant statement indeed, full of wisdom and not just force fed through Fox News Channel at all. These people are totally right. Now, let's just speak theoretically here and say that if some sort of Islamic center from – let's say an abandoned Burlington Coat Factory – held worship for Muslims near Ground Zero. These types of people would be the ones in support of that Mosque because they protect The Constitution. Damn right, Tea Party!

Then we had those socialists across town doing some off the wall unfounded march for MLK which really has no relationship with MLK. Obviously, “I have a Dream” was about Christianity, equality, and not civil rights. What nutjobs those people are, Mr. Al Sharpton.
Then expecting to see some insane brawl at the end where both rallies met into each other (Beck's leading/Sharpton’s approaching), we instead heard boring chants back-and-forth about not drinking Tea. I'm sorry, but it's so delicious it tastes like restriction and big business with a tad of oil. It tastes like the solution to our economic problems!

Good try, Mr. Sharpton, I believe you were trumped. Maybe next time you can sell your soul for six months out of the year to shamelessly promote your rally. You should dye your hair blonde along with your envy of our hero Mr. Beck.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Twisted Reality

Reality television, I never really cared for it. I'm not sure why there’s a Real Housewives D.C. when the Liberals and Conservatives have had their own Dog-and-Pony show for so long. But, oops, I'm rambling.

For ALL you reality TV fans out there who like to see The Situation’s abs or the fist fights, how about bombings? Yes, G4 is now promoting a new show (inspired by the movie “The Hurt Locker”) for this spring where cameras follow American troops as they watch them disarm a bomb or let it EXPLODE and kill them.

The spokeswoman also emphasized on the killing part because they know that the killing of American troops on camera will really punch in those ratings.

This is the doomsday for T.V. If I had to choose between Levi Johnston’s show and this show I'm choosing the boring Levi. Maybe I'm wrong on this one, but I'd rather watch an over confident man who will never achieve anything be on television show than watching REAL American soldiers get blown up. I probably wouldn't be bothered by a actual documentation of a camera crew following soldiers to see them disarm bombs or meet their demise. I personally wouldn't watch it, but I wouldn't speak out against it.

However, when I see a television station plugging this show and emphasizing the bomb exploding, killing the soldiers for pure profit and ratings, then yes I have a problem. There’s no plug along the lines of “Let’s see what it's like to be in this war or just talking about disarming the bomb”. No, they went full swing with the intention of showing these soldiers blow up.

Just for profit and revolutionizing reality TV. This is awful to me.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Gay is okay...somewhat...

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, we see the GOP come out of the Lance Bass closet. This time former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman admits he’s gay. It's taken him forty three years to admit he's gay publicly. This is the guy who strongly opposes gay rights and initiatives.

I find it hilarious that when these conservatives describe liberals they say “Hippy weed smoking homosexuals” when they themselves are more gay. Time after time we are seeing Republicans come out of the closet even though they were the strongest and fiercest people against gay rights.

Clearly these guys are just projecting their Gay sexuality and forcing it upon other Gay's to strip them of their freedoms.

In case you were wondering, like a typical slimeball, Mehlman STILL opposes Gay Marriage and Gay rights.

Know the facts before you vote

Republicans: The people who will be crossing their fingers in November to win or buy your vote.

Only in 2010 would this group of people SOMEHOW win their RNC ticket into November. I don’t know who to be more ashamed of. The fact that the Democrats might lose a few spots to these whacks jobs or that these guys are actually getting votes by the American people.

The latter one is more likely. Although, considering the people voting for these radicals believe Obama is a Muslim and that the Earth does NOT revolve around the Sun, nothing should surprise me.

Just to throw a few things at you, over four of the GOP members who will be in Novembers elections oppose Abortion at the HIGHEST levels. Whether rape or incest, they want you to absolutely have that child regardless of circumstances. So much so that they want to have all pregnancies monitored to make sure they are successful. So much for Big Government, doesn't get any bigger than having your own pregnancy monitored by the Government.

Sharon Angle and other conservatives want to take away your social security completely even though OVER 90% OF THE POPULATION wants their social security left alone. But, of course, the left wing won’t utilize that. Instead they will play this Mosque debate THE issue instead of a hurting economy and 10% of us being jobless.

The worst, though, is Mr. Rick Scott. The Hospital CEO that committed the biggest Medicare fraud ever and was fined over one billion dollars. He's also the guy that strides around boasting that he killed the Healthcare public option and that he strongly opposes Obamacare. Absolutely beautiful flaunt. You took healthcare from thirty four million people. Don’t forget he’s profiting from people NOT having healthcare, go figure.


The outsiders will become the insiders! The insiders will be cast out, voted out and lose! I'm pretty sure you have heard this a thousands times from the Associated Press and other news outlets.

My response: TOTAL FAILURE

What a fake attempt at making a news story out of nothing.

This whole ideology doesn't exist. There is no WAVE OF OUTSIDERS that will wash away the incumbent's. No, just look at the numbers alone. These "Incumbents" have won over 300 primaries this year. The Anti-incumbents around…10. Yeah, that's the wave of anti incumbents washing over Washington. I can’t believe anyone takes this seriously. 300 to 10, that’s a great ratio.

Every time, though, the media says the Anti's will win a primary, but ironically the loses become a "narrow escape" or "The wave hasn't quite hit (insert name here) yet"
This is such a joke of a story, but your call if you think ten wins to three hundred loses is a mass takeover.

Be my guest.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The scary side of the Mosque debate

Hello, blog we’re going to try a new format tonight. Please give feedback on whether you enjoy it or not or how it can improve. I've been doing one entry a night for about a month now. I'm sick of it. I tried to use Twitter to report other topics, but to express my views in one hundred forty characters or less seemed like a waste of time. So instead I will be making multiple blog posts everyday covering the topics that matter to me and giving my opinion on them.

Let's get this started.

Just as we all thought would happen, the fall out of the Mosque, whether it was moved or not. We now are seeing hate crimes blossom out, one right in New York. Michael Enright, he was a volunteer college student who worked in Afghanistan. Tonight he’s the man behind a gruesome hate crime. After taking a cab in New York, Mr. Enright cut a Muslim cab driver (Ahmed Sharif) several times from the neck to the hands. This all happened after Sharif admitted he was Muslim.

Once again we are seeing hate crimes from a scapegoat, it never fails and why is this coming off as some kind of shocker? You and I both know every time there are protests against a certain race or religion some nutjob has to go ballistic and attack an innocent man.

This is quite the contradiction since these anti-mosque protestors want to deny the possibility that the group of Muslims who attacked the twin towers might have a different mentality that other Muslims. They’re all the same, right? So is it NOW fair for me to say Enright is like all Mosque protestors? Violent, Islamic-phobic, and bigoted? This is no "rare" case anymore either. Yesterday we saw a bigot say that the Mosque next to his flower shop should be moved because they are parking in the wrong designated spots. That "Baptists" would never do this to his place of business. Right, you know I used to go to church and I used to live next to a protestant church Religion knows no parking respects good sir. They WILL park ANYWHERE. It doesn't matter.

Also don’t forget the hot recent video about a black man standing in the anti-mosque crowd and almost being attacked just because he looked the bill.

I have another puzzle for you

Hello blog! I'm here today to talk about the mistaken for an Umpa Lumpa – John Boehner – the new voice of the GOP party. Today our orange friend made a speech in Ohio stating misinterpreted facts. For example, "The Stimulus did not work". Pardon me sir, but the 3.1 Million jobs it made didn't appear out of thin air.

But, hey, if the public buys it then by all means go for it, Boehner. You’re supposed to be the "Role-model" and the go to guy of your party now? Hopefully you should stop handing out tobacco checks on the house floor.

That's fine too. Tobacco is a big resource and he is handing out free money, of course to his friends in the house, but hey that’s the furthest they will ever go to spreading the wealth. But I digress. He also voted to hike taxes alongside Bush in 2011, but for taxes to rise NOW is pure evil right, Boehner? That was ten years ago so surely circumstance have changed, correct?

Well, unfortunately for you, you walking Syracuse mascot, you said for Obama to have a spending freeze, but now voted against it. You say you and your party have what it takes to get us out quickly and effectively out of this recession. Too bad your tactics include the same Bush economics that have been used for the past eight years.

Honestly, this is just bad. The BEST the GOP has to offer. This guy? Really? Not someone like Ron Paul who yesterday stood up for what he ACTUALLY believed was right and spoke out against the Anti-Mosque protests. You want the same people the same formula. That lost you the 2008 election which lost you the house, the senate. All of it. And the only reason you have a slight chance to get it back is because you have your little station called Fox making up issues like the Mosque.

That's just great that you use this Mosque to make it the #1 issue in this country now. Remember when it was about the economy, now it's about the abandoned Burlington Coat Factories and a community center. Nice job on that one!

I do however give him props for being better than old Michael Steele; the guy who tried today to appeal to the Hispanic vote by saying not all Republicans supported the Arizona law. Well sir not all "Muslims" are radicals who are trying to do terrorist attacks on this nation. Next time you cry about being generalized try not to generalize other people? Maybe that's why you’re losing your job. Or that the liberals in this country get a laugh every time they hear your going to make an appearance on T.V.

To sum it up, if the Orange Party is the best the GOP has to offer, I don’t see you winning the house and senate this November or ANYTIME soon for that matter. Your mass victories that are coming look Oh so promising. Like, for example, the 34% of the people who believe the Republicans are to blame for the economic recession. To the about 24% that say it's the democrats fault. By proposing to do the same thing the 34% believe got us into this mess into a first place is an insult to the American people.

Got that Sun Tan man?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Really bad ideas.

I've got some "good" ideas
Hello blog, Sunday on Meet the Press house minority leader Mitch McConnell, or a more scientific term for him – Turtle man – dodged REALLY BADLY the question about Bush's tax cuts. If you don’t, know the Republicans want to once again keep the tax cuts that Bush set after the Ten years have been up in which we would have to pay for them. The price? 3.1 TRILLION dollars to the deficit.

The LEADER of the party, that is attacking democrats over the deficit and spending, is trying to pander to the 2% and lie to the rest of us. Now here is where it gets interesting, he thinks we can get the tax cuts without paying for them?! Although in the LAW it says after ten years of the Bush Tax cuts (if extended into 2011 and beyond) we would have to pay and pay big time, 3.1 TRILLION. So you think, “Hmm, what will they take away to make up that 3.1 Trillion dollars?” YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY!

Yes, your social security, the thing that Republicans have tried to get rid for so long with fear tactics. It's just classic Republican tactics. Pander to the 2% tax bracket and cripple the remaining 98%.

This also shows they’re lying about their love for small business. Making us pay for their Tax Cuts would hurt small business and prevent people from hiring. And prevent businesses from giving these people jobs. As Mr. Beck would say about the 99'ers, "Get a job" is increasingly harder to do when the government does things like this by only helping 2% of the population.

Today, we have a few primaries and if you live in those states let them know how you feel at the voter’s box. This so called "plan" to help the recession is far from helping. Experts have warned that keeping these cuts would bring DARKER times to our economy.

I also noticed something in that “Meet the Press” interview that NO ONE else seems to be talking about. I noticed Mitch says that “This administration, for the last THREE YEARS…” Just a reminder, Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009.

Mitch, my man, you are telling me you and your party have an idea to "fix" this economy, but you can't even count?

We all know, though, that this wasn't some unintentional mistake. Look at it this way, the recession hit early on in 2008. Conveniently that's almost three years ago. This turtle of a man is trying to tell you, the people, that as soon as Obama stepped into office this recession magically hit. Maybe I'm wrong on that assumption, but then again I doubt it considering the same guy is also planting skepticism about Obama being a Muslim and contributing to the 34% of the Republicans in this country that do believe Obama is Muslim.

Can't tell 'um apart, can ya?
That's all I got to say about Turtle man and his "plan".

I leave you today with some more refreshing hypocrisy. Take this video of Glenn Beck, a few years ago (2006),  talking to Imma Rauf about Moderate Islam’s. Beck says he is the epitome of moderate Islam’s and that the country needs to see that we should fight the radicals NOT all Muslims.

"I didn't mean it? I miss-spoke?"

In 2010 times have sure changed, huh, Beck boy?


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Endorsements: Good or Bad?

Hello, blog with the mid-term elections in sight – only about seventy days away I believe – we’re starting to see endorsements come in across the board. Overall this mid-term has been pretty strange with the endorsements. Church's endorsing candidates, just as an example. Of course the big endorsement that I think is a curse would be Obama's endorsements to the Democratic candidates

This guy can be extremely arrogant sometimes. I'm just going to say it right now; he knows his approval ratings are down the drain at nearly 50%. He knows that Fox and Conservatives automatically disagree with ANYTHING he does. But, there he goes going out there on the campaign trail to try to help the democrats and I think it's only going to hurt them.

I'm not sure what he's thinking I know he probably has well intentions, but here’s the thing – and this is a big secret – most of the people who are voting against democrats this year are doing so because they are displeased with Obama. So, going out there to try to get them to vote for you – just by placing his endorsement – isn't going to sway anyone because people who aren't voting democrat just don’t like how he’s running the place.

As for the undecided voters, maybe I'm wrong on this or I haven't seen it, but I don’t see anyone going "Well, the President said vote for this guy! Well, here I go!"

No, I never see that happen and it goes WELL beyond Obama's endorsements. I don’t ever get my interest perked from an endorsement. I have never see endorsements work either. Remember back in 2008 when Obama got endorsed by the Kennedy's and what do you know Clinton won that state. Not even the Kennedy family -- the closest to royalty in the United States – could pull the endorsement win off. Another example, in Kansas I see ads for Tiehrt who is endorsed by Palin. I see that and I'm not interested in ANY WAY to vote for him now. In fact it is the opposite.

Bottom line political endorsements FAIL unless there from Nike and grant you millions of dollars. Too bad Nike is the fastest company to throw you under the bus the second you get tabloid trouble. Guess they all fail, sorry Endorsements.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fail Friday

Hello blog, this is FAIL Friday. Sit back and pay close attention. This week I got a hidden secret. The majority of the failures this week have something in common and something will be revealed later on in what I would like to call TangentX's first ever FUTURE FAILURE!


#5 Herry Reid, this fellow right here had a chance to close some ground on Sharon Angle with the Mosque debate. Instead he took the bait and said the Mosque should be moved. Reid, I got one thing to say to you—actually, I think I’ll sing it to you. THE DEMS DONT WANT YOU, THE REPUBS DONT WANT YOU. BABY, BABY AINT NOBODY WANT YOU!
2 failures for the price of...

#4 Sarah Palin, she still can’t go a week without saying something stupid on Twitter. Like a coach she tells Dr Laura to fight and re-load. Trust me this couldn't come from anyone better. Laura, she also fights and reloads, after embarrassing herself to millions on Twitter with fake words. Allow me to in front of two viewers: BLARGENFLARDIN that means no chance in 2012.
Don't point that finger at me, who knows where it's been

#3 Glenn Beck chased after the Muslim people this week by holding the entire religion responsible for 9/11. That's not his failure though. That's like being surprised if Larry King is drooling on his program. What he is getting called out for is saying 9/11 was an attack of no motive, when four months earlier he even explains on his own program that we were "in bed with dictators" hence forth the attack. Guess when you spout crazy all the time you’re bound to forget some things.
Hmmm, if Obama comes from a seed, where did I come from? DADDY!

#2 Franklin Graham today said that Obama is caught with Islam because he was born into it. He has (Obama) as he said it "Muslim seed". Of course! Religion begins at the egg! Maybe he is right about the seed. After all his dad, Billy Graham, believed communism was caused by the inner-city. I guess the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree… or in this case "Seed."

A picture is in fact worth a thousand words
#1 Today's #1 failure of the week has no career. I feel bad making fun of him because I know anyone reading this won’t know him but here goes. TED NUGENT! When performing at a Mississippi bar he said "Wow this crowd is full of white people. I like that!" (After this quote he questions the race of an individual in the crowd.) I don’t know which fails more the bigotry or the fact this happened two weeks ago and it just came to the limelight today?

When you’re as well known as Ted news tends to travel fast! I wish him all the luck playing for pretzels at other southern bars.

So what do most of tonight’s failures have in common? Glenn Beck, Palin, Ted Nugent come on down! These three grotesque humans will all be at the “I have a dream MLK” rally next week. In which Beck says "MLK's dream goes on where it left off", "We take it back" I wish you luck Beck in re-writing history to the way your hemorrhoids will feel comfortable with.

Me no like Fail Friday

Agree with me? Disagree? Post a comment below. Or catch me on twitter.

WAR! What's it been good for?

Hello blog, as the troops left the combat mission last night I wanted to touch up on a subject around that WAR. I think war has been America's shackles for a very long time. People crave war and want war. Interesting enough, however, most of them didn't serve when it was there time in Vietnam. I think we are obsessed with war, just look at how many wars we have fought since World War 2.

Since we started this "Global police" campaign it has been war after war to promote democracy across the entire globe. Sometimes it's for other causes like resources. Either way we have become obsessed with fighting wars every decade. We ended our Iraqi combat missions, but we still have Afghanistan and while we pay attention to that there’s this country just a little ways away called North Korea.

Oh, and don’t forget the costs. We paid out 500 billion last year for the Military. The 2nd highest total was China with only two hundred billion. Isn't that interesting? All this money constantly being thrown to wars, and we always ask where does it all go?! To the Military, good sir.

I'll tell you what I feel, I feel we have the lives in the hands of old men who didn't serve their country when they were called, but when they got behind a desk they thought we should always war. Just look at Dick Cheney. He refused to serve in Vietnam FIVE times, but look at his gun slinging ways in the past eight years. Interesting when your life isn't on the line, huh?

We’re constantly reminded that these men and woman fight for our freedoms. No, they’re fighting to win elections for people, but of course they don’t realize this. Don’t believe me? We got politicians running around saying there fighting to save the world in the Iraqi and Afghanistan war. If you make a common enemy for the American people you can and WILL get support. You'll vote for them every time if you believe the cause they stand behind in defending all of us and keeping us safe and promoting democracy.

We can let our own country get stripped of our own freedoms by saying that we the American public fight for freedom and the freedom from the terrorists. If you support this cause of war and say you’re fighting to stop injustices you are told you’re TOUGH. Remember Reagan? He was said to have the greatest foreign policy ever, right? War everyone and we all ran around saying he was TOUGH.

So they’re tough, huh? How about this? Politicians – Dems, republicans – it doesn't matter, you’re all to blame for this endless string of missions since WW2 ended, I'll support your causes for war 100% if you agree to send your own children to war. Send one legitimate family member to the armed forces and fight. Let's see how many "ayes" we get when voting to go to war.

Show some courage behind them desks. Don’t do the Bush Sr. plan and shoot yourself in the foot to prevent you from going. And don’t give five refusals to serve in Vietnam but get to be vice president and send us in the longest war in American history. Show some courage.

But don’t get me wrong, I respect the troops that fight, but I don’t think they SHOULD be fighting because a greedy politician wants to keep his spot and try to act like he's not "Weak". 

Remember, these are lives not chess pieces.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Forget about Mexico, China is taking the American jobs

Hello blog, this year China will be giving out 400,000 additional jobs for making American products. But, before I start talking about China I want to talk about something across the globe that you probably already have heard about, but maybe you haven't. The last convoy of combat troops crossed the Kuwait border and have left Iraq, 50,000 remain in Iraq for training.

Now, back to the topic at hand, China, the biggest populated country in the world just released statistics that they will have added 400,000 additional jobs for American companies.

And people wonder why big business in this country is hated. They reap in the profits here, they live here, and they sway and contribute to politics here. And yet they don’t give us any jobs here. 400,000 jobs sent to China by American companies. Just think about our unemployment for a second (nearing 10% of us) and think of 400,000 of them being granted a job with Apple or HP etc.

And then we hate Mexicans and other immigrants here for taking our jobs. Well, guess what even if they were all legal here there still "Taking" your jobs. You let your corporations go out of this country to hire labor workers and pay whatever they want!

Fight this no jobs for Americans at the source! The massive greedy corporations going overseas!

You know Glenn Beck yesterday said China is the 2nd largest economy in the world behind us because they aren't lazy (referring to the 99'ers). You know what the real reason is Becky? Because our corporations don’t want to pay our checks anymore. They don’t want to deal with unions when they can pay $7.00 an hour in China rather than $14.00 here.

We need our manufacturing jobs back here and we need them now. We are solely relying on imports, they dominant us now. So Glenn Beck when you rant about illegal’s you and your little "Tea Party" you don’t want illegal’s here, but your 2% richest bracket and billionaire CEO's want to try to attract as many of them as they can for cheap labor. And don’t try to lie and say illegal’s just mooch off the country and cash in on welfare. Most of them don’t even know they have benefits and rights at their job or are even told.

So I find it ironic, Tea Party, that you will use illegal’s as scapegoats say you are patriots and demand lower taxes, but aren't willing to give us any jobs. You'd rather go to China to make a little profit. And then try to come back here to lower your taxes as low as you can to make as much money as you can. I get that that's fine with wanting lower taxes, lower taxes means more profit more profit means more growth and more expansion and JOBS.

And that is happening, it's happening in China and India. Not here ladies and gentlemen.

So you decide Americans. Are they the people for America? Or the people for net worth?

Agree with me? Disagree? Feel free to leave me a comment below.

OR catch me here TangentX on twitter

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Paying out Fair and Balanced money

Coming out party

Hello blog, today Fox News came out of the closet...about their affection for the Republican Party. Now this isn't exactly a shocker, but it provides the proof that they certainly aren't "Fair and Balanced".

Murdoch News Corp gives $1 million to Repulican govs

If you don’t know what happened let me enlighten you. Fox News paid out one million dollars to the Republican Party. No longer should they even TRY to say they are fair and balanced. They should just come out and say they work for the Republican Party and that their “facts” are FOR the dirty work of the republicans.

But you know they won’t. You know this won’t ever be talked about on Fox or probably not. Despite the Tea Party being created by Fox News’ Beck, and used to organize tea party rallies. Don’t forget they also have conveniently hired almost all the likely 2012 candidates for the GOP ticket…Huckabee Palin, Gingrich.

Don’t forget this whole Mosque ordeal STARTED with Palin and Fox when Palin used that imaginary world "Refudiat". Please, peaceful Muslims, REFUDIAT this Mosque.

And so on and so on. The dirty work, and trying to call Dems "Users" without any proof at all, they are the kings of propaganda and today justifies that. If there are any Fox News viewers reading this just know that they are not fair and balanced. If so where’s the DGA's one million dollars? Pay one and not pay the other?

This seems more accurate?

The fact you have no Liberal shows or any real Liberal guests on any of these shows also interests me. Now I'm sure the same CAN be said about MSNBC except for the fact they do have conservatives. Example: Morning Joe

And for Fox News heads to run around saying MSNBC is a Liberal station just because of Maddow and Olbermann is false. Think about this. These corporations are run by well...you guessed it… big business. So, it's priority in their agenda to protect the right wing

That’s another thing I have beef with. Almost ALL these on air conservatives say they have no voice in the media. Lou Dobbs, Ann Coulter, Palin, O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Fox & Friends, Stossel, Greta Van Susteren and the list can go on and on and on. And we BUY it that they are oppressed in the media even though they make up most of the shows. And pump in the money for these stations that are oppressed in the media and the outsiders surrounding the fringe lefties.

If Fox ever says they DO want to help Republicans and report for their bidding it would be the most truthful statement we may ever hear from them. So remember these guys are organizing Tea Party protests and paid one MILLION dollars to the GOP the next time you hear "Fair and balanced" on FOX.

Agree with me? Disagree? Leave me a comment below or catch me on twitter. TangentX on Twitter

Monday, August 16, 2010

U.S. Government invades...your personal space

Hello blog, I want to talk about a growing issue in my opinion. It's the way we look at achievements, more specifically political achievements.

How do we judge those who represent us? I think we judge in a wrong and dangerous way. It's more about quantity of the laws you pass and not the quality. We pass more laws whether by city council, by mayor, by state legislator and even by the president. We have more laws and regulations in this country than Kanye West has tweets on his twitter page.

It has become more about how many laws did you pass in two years by journalists than the quality of the laws. I don’t know about you guys, but if my representative passed five laws in two years that effected me in a positive way rather than five thousand laws that didn't really affect me personally, but half of them you never hear about,, I’d probably go with the first option.

I'll give you an example of stupid laws in this country. Did you know you cannot hunt whales in the great lakes on Sundays? First of all, I did not know Whales inhabited the Great Lakes. That law makes no sense! Why was it made?!

Don’t forget these guys are always invading into our lives with these laws. There’s so many laws that you want to open a small business, but you look at all the regulations and all the rules you must follow you just say "Wow forget it." Or even more so, running for public office, people have been run off their ballots locally and nationally just for some law that they broke without knowing it.

I'd like to have a country where when I wake up and I say I want to open a restaurant and I have three hundred thousand dollars to invest into this I can go for it. And not see mountains of paperwork telling me things I can or can’t do. That's just a turn off for business, for trading, for anything. This is the "Big Government" conservatives talk about constantly and I agree. I don’t like big government, but you look at the GOP and you see if the price is right or if it helps their personal interests. They’re willing to throw that principle out the window.

All parties are guilty of this. Democrats, Republicans, it doesn't matter. They pass bills for the sake of having it on their resume next November. We hear both parties promise they will keep small business afloat and keep freedom, but all these regulations you follow if you don’t have a sponsor or a name you can’t run for any office you wish too. And just looking at all the rules you HAVE to follow to even OPEN a small business ruins that dream.

Get rid of these stupid unneeded regulations to destroy any future political opponents. And actually STAND for small business like you dems and repubs claim you do, get off the rocker of personal interest…please?

The Manhattan Mosque

Hello blog, I'm sure for almost anyone you ask you get a different opinion on this subject. For those of you who don’t know a Mosque (A place for Muslim worship) is to be built in lower Manhattan (near the 9/11 tragedy). A lot of people say it's disrespectful and shouldn't be built. I think that's bullcrap. We as a country are built on freedom of religion. No matter how distasteful we may think it is, they have the right to build their mosque near there.

And why is it thought to be disrespectful? Need I remind you there were thousands of deaths in the 9/11 attacks. Instead of thinking of the perpetrators try to think about the victims and the fact that innocent Muslims did die in that attack. So instead of saying they are secretly praising the attacks remember that there were actual innocent Muslim lives lost in that attack. If there was, say, a bombing today and the perpetrator was a Christian, does that mean that nowhere near this certain area a Christian church can be built? Just because a tragedy is committed by a few radicals does not mean that the constitution should be bent. Those laws are firmly put there not to be a popularity contest.

Remember these attacks were done by a HANDFUL of radicals to us. To get all bent out of shape about people who did not do those attacks and restrict their place of worship is wrong to me. If a Christian was to shoot a person on a property and a few years later a church wanted to be built over that area or near by it, do I then have the right to say you can’t build that there because someone of your faith took another man’s life there? That's generalizing an entire culture of people based on one person or in this case a handful of radicals.

I don’t see why were saying they are intentionally disrespecting us. Like I said before, innocent Muslims died in that incident. So perhaps they are building it to commemorate those people. But even then let’s say they did do it out of disrespect, do we still have the right to tell them to get lost? We don’t arrest these reject teenagers running around at my school saying "Praise Hitler" and doing the Nazi salute (I've seen it many times) we don’t persecute them. Speaking of Nazi's, in the 70s a group of Nazi's in Cleveland wanted to drive with the Nazi flag through a Jewish neighborhood in Cleveland and they had backing support from organizations. But on this Mosque situation these same organizations want to say "Now hold on a minute" or "Were not so sure.”

Quit generalizing an entire culture of people based on a group of radicals. Every culture, every country, every religion has a group of radicals or an individual in it that does something that all other groups scoff at. Let's say hypothetically the majority of Muslims practiced what takes place in the Middle East every day. Even if it is a majority, it does not imply ALL of them do that. Just like not all Christians go to church, or not all fat people like McDonalds, or not all Gays have a poster of Adam Lambert in their bedrooms.

These people need to stop complaining, the constitution isn't bent just because of sensitivity because you take something the wrong way or maybe even the right way. We have religious freedom here and it changes no matter how we may oppose it.

Good night Blog

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Change doesn't happen over night

Hello blog, today I want to talk about President Obama, the big guy in the office. He's been our chief for eighteen months now and what an interesting eighteen months it has been. Healthcare reform, stimulus etc, and with the possibility of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell being repealed it could become even more eventful.

One event has also taken place, his approval ratings are spiraling downhill of. He's already on his way to below 50%. Remember just eighteen months ago he came in with over 70% approval. It took Bush into his 2nd term to hit where Obama is heading. And I think I know why this is.

Listen to his speeches again unless you can vividly remember them from before. Realize in 2008 we were contemplating what we were going to do as soon as we hit the 2nd great depression. This guy came in and he promised sooo much that for the ones that weren’t blinded by promise and actually paid more attention to what he was saying we knew that things he wanted to do weren't going to happen.

The promises he made in a very, very tough time sounded like music to our ears. The fact is though "Promises" from a politician is the oldest trick in the book to get your vote. Don’t get me wrong many of them do what they say, but it's different with our desperation.

We’re in a recession still even after the stimulus. While improvements have indeed been showed even Obama himself admits this isn't going as fast as planned. And what are we in America? Impatient people we complain when it takes more than a minute to load our e-mail on our iPhones. Therefore we get unhappy about Obama so as a result his approval ratings go down. He's his own biggest enemy by promising ALL of this change and it hasn't come as quickly as we expected or that he portrayed.

Now there are other reasons why his approval is down. If you weren't naive enough to buy into the old political promise tactics, you'd also be upset that he dropped the ball on torture. He already gave up on a public option for healthcare and he has spent trillions adding to the deficit. (However that is debatable that he had to spend that money to clean Bush's mess… I mean his two terms)

There’s also this group of people who are attacking this vulnerable point as well. The GOP. Now I'm not saying it's not fair, but they are doing a pretty good job at hurting Obama's approval and the massive section of this country that just switches party to party like shirts. These people always complain about "This country isn't changing, I vote GOP one term and then Liberal the next term." Well, sir, maybe instead of voting which one you hate less than the other you could, I don’t know, vote third party for a candidate you actually agree with?

I'm getting off topic, the GOP is promising their own change. However, if you look deeper it is EXTREMELY FAR FROM CHANGE! They want to use the same formula and tax breaks that Bush used TO GET US INTO THIS MESS! Face it, Obama screwed himself out of 2012 with his own speaking abilities and promise. No matter what else he does the next two years I don’t foresee his approval going up or the market suddenly getting extremely better like most of us expect.

He's also extremely weak; I mean he's being pushed around by Fox news and a non-majority GOP. (For now you better shape things up Democrats or you’re out in November.) He needs to get on the attack that alone is also draining his support. Who wants to see the most powerful person in the world, our representative, get pushed around by Bill O'Reilly? I'll keep it simple, when I say Obama screwed Obama out of 2012. Do you think if we stay near the same we are going to listen to him promise change again in 2012?

I don’t think so.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fail Friday

Hello blog, it's Friday! So sit back and listen to my top 5 failures of the week.

#5, Bill O'Reilly once again was making stupid, but expected comments. This time he criticized Jennifer Aniston for being in a movie about a woman having a child without a man. He says it promotes families without Fathers when they are needed. He also demanded that she go on his show. Right, because she won’t be bullied by your antics and you'll continue to try to get her on the show and continue to dodge and run from Ventura

#4, This is trivia edition. What oil company in Texas City, Texas broke 217 safety violations and paid the biggest fine to Oceana in history? Five years ago, at the same oil finery, an explosion killed fourteen people. They are still breaking violations. Give up? It's BP!

#3 The Cincinnati Reds failed this week. ALL week!! First Brandon Phillips says he hates the Cardinals. The Reds go into their series with the Cardinals in first place and quickly get swept by the Cardinals and have one of the gayest man hug fights of all time. Losers.

#2 Sharon Angle failed once more this week. She started out great, though, coming out on top in the polls. But remember when she wasn't expected to win and showed her true colors? Like for example saying that we should rebel and "take out" Harry Reid and resort to the 2nd amendment.

Well now that she's ahead she refuses to comment on that. Bravo politics.

#1 Marg Baker failed this week big time! She said that we should do what they did in the 40's and 50's and take illegal immigrants and round them up in camps and ship them back to their home countries. Wrong Ma'am, that was done to LEGAL AMERICANS because we feared Japanese people after Pearl Harbor. Some people shouldn't talk.

Maybe instead of doing that to illegal’s you will say we should do it to Muslims. I've expected that to happen for years now from you nutjobs.

That's my failures of the week hope you enjoyed!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Does unemplyment = lazy welfare dum?

Hello blog, our friends on the right wing are making attacks toward our benefits. I will go through several of them. Newt Gingrich, the guy that wears that WIG -- I think it's a wig I've seen it wiggle -- says unemployment is welfare and that it makes people who are out of a job lazy because they don’t want to get a job. Wait, when did unemployment, the thing you put money into in case you are laid off, become welfare? These Republicans are discovering new things by the day!

Well, first of all, he says get a job and stop mooching off this welfare basically. First of all, people honestly even if it does sound a tad "wrong" if you’re getting thirteen dollars an hour from unemployment to the seven dollars you will probably get from the run down replacement job you will get offered probably. Which will you honestly take? The one that will give you more money while you look for an actual STABLE job that will pay as much as possible for your abilities or rush to find a job that will pay you less than your old job and even less than your unemployment THAT YOU PAID FOR.

I think I'm done with the fuzzy haired guy. *Plop wig falls off* <--- I'm just waiting for that. I really am. Make it happen Washington.

How you doin'?

HEY, MAJORITY there’s a new poll coming out that says TARP and the bank bailout was made by Obama (over 40%) instead of the actual president who did it. Captain illiterate, I mean Bush (39%). Bravo to the 39% who actually knows but the majority of you don’t know BUSH bailed out the banks with TARP Ok!? Ok.

On the topic with Bush, remember back in the good days where you didn't have to look up the presidents words because his vocabulary was below your own. Yeah 2000-2008 Well, remember that time he said we are living longer therefore we should work into our seventies before retiring. Well the GOP is picking up on that idea. They want you to work into your seventies. First of all GOP, meet my Grandmother. She's almost seventy so in your little world she should be in the job market. She has bad legs and can barely walk up and down the stairs. In fact, she just found out that she will need knee replacement surgery. She should definitely be working right?

I thought these guys try to protect the American Dream.
Get to work, grandma

We ALL know that dream of retiring in your 50's for working hard for thirty years and traveling the world for awhile and then settling down and seeing your grandchildren. Well if you’re working until you’re seventy and your body is in bad shape you won’t even WANT to travel the world. Let alone the fact when you hit Australia you’re almost in your eighties and picked up a wheel chair or two along the way.

These right wingers are absolutely insane and incorrect whether it being that unemployment is welfare or that working into your seventies is a good thing. And this group in 2010 you look across the board and you’re seeing these men and women who were candidates that weren’t picked by the GOP ticket winning and then turning moderately conservative.

From their FARRRR right wing agendas from before winning their recent primaries. Sharon Angle as an example, she said before that Social Security is a broken system and should be scratched. Now she says that the system can be changed and fixed. Coincidence? She also said that we need to take out congress with the use of the 2nd amendment before, now she won’t even comment on it. Don’t fall for this my brothers and sisters fight THY RED DEATH.

These guys still believe that the middle class and the poverty are moving up the social class through hard work and that everyone can make it under any circumstances. We are becoming one of the hardest countries in the world to move up the ladder. Instead of just paying attention to the 2% bracket for major tax breaks (100 thousand in the millionaires club) and the 98% the people like you and I most likely. If your one of those 2% donate to my "welfare"… I mean Unemployment.

Nah, I just mean send me a fat check.

Good night blog.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not all are welcome, outsiders need not apply.

Hello, blog you know the only thing cool about the constitution? Debating over it. Forget all that rule stuff, I want to use it as a tool to be the end all on my arguments. I couldn't care less about my rights. Which brings us to today; the Republicans want to change the 14th amendment.

OoooOoooO You know the 14th amendment, the part where you get busy in our country, get a kid, then the kid is a citizen.

The Republicans say...NO! They want to change illegal’s having children to try to use to get legal. What I don’t get is if being born here doesn't decide your legal status what the hell does? Where are the pro-lifers on this one? I mean don’t these guys support and love the babies? Doing this is going to only discourage illegal mothers to go to the hospital and have their child born safely. Those immoral immigrants, how dare they walk and cross and jump borders to try to be a part of the prosperity we have bragged to the entire world.

I think it's odd that the same people who think the Constitution should never be altered want to alter this. These guys complain about Government being too big too, but in order to make sure no kids from illegal’s are born here they will probably need some legal police at every hospital room.

"Oh Congratulations on your baby girl now catch your breath and I hope you like car rides cause were going back home ok."

"Hope you like handcuffs too."

"No, no it's ok. Just apply for legal status, sell your home in Mexico to prove you wish to be an American citizen." I'm not kidding about the last part. I met a "Legal" immigrant who is being told to sell his home in Mexico to prove he wishes to be a citizen. He has to go back to Mexico three months a year and is constantly asked, "Are you a drug dealer? A murderer? Or a part of Eric Estrada's family?" All three good sir!

This shows when the chips are down Republicans will invest in changing the Constitution just like Liberals would. If it fits the needs and interests of the Xenophobic, anti-immigrant folks, then going against your basic principles as a political party (Big government) (Preserving the Constitution) is OK.

Just remember though if you change this Constitution I'm going to say Sarah Palin is secretly a Russian Fascist who was born on a floating piece of ice in the arctic. Oh and by the way DONT BLAME HER FOR NOT KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT AMERICA. I know the answer to that too. She was mauled by a moose as she floated to Alaska. Therefore she has memory loss and also intolerance for Moose. That's all I gotta say. It shows the parties aren’t too different and are willing to go against their basic principles that make up their party if it protects their interest.

One Nation under Edward Cullen’s skin type.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The end of the internet as we know it?

NET NEUTRALITY...chances are you haven't heard about it which is quite disturbing actually. Net Neutrality is the internet golden rule that you may visit any site you want at the same speed and efficiency you would to any other site.

(Example: This blog to Twitter. One has millions of users and the other is….Twitter.)

Recently though Google and Verizon have met up all buddy-buddy like and came across a deal that they will be able to control how fast a site comes in compared to other sites. Convenience is in their hands. If they don’t like what you like they could, in a sense, clog up those virtual internet tubes from your computer to that website and interrupt your viewing pleasure.

This sounds awful and yet no-one is talking about it! This is the one issue EVERYONE should be agreeing on unless of course you’re a part of Google and Verizon. The gays won’t be able to visit Perez Hilton. The Conservatives won’t be able to visit Rush Limbaugh’s website! The Liberals won’t be able to use their GPS trackers to find the cheapest and nearest local drug dealer! And OF COURSE OUR PICTURES OF THE SEXY PEOPLE! ALL IN DANGER!!

Verizon could just say "Wow I really dislike pictures of Bluebell ice-cream. Let’s slow it down!" The FCC and all the hard working men and women of the Government who protect our best interests and hold no interest in lining their pockets are outraged! So outraged they decided to sit on their hands so they don’t make obscene gestures. Face it guys, they want to censor the internet. TV's censored…Radio just sucks. Tons of people are using the internet and can see anything, any views on politics, and any facts that are at the inconvenience of the political counterparts.

Therefore they want to censor us again just like before. Don’t believe me? The same company involved in this deal also owns YouTube. And what happened after YouTube became owned by Google? You can’t go three videos anymore without sponsored automatic twenty second ads.

Wake up guys’ republicans, liberals, gays, libertarians, cannibals and lovers of lolcats. This is our fight for the first amendment. They could control the future of politics in this nation. They could slow down the Huffington post...or slow down Republican blogs. The internet is the place to be for seeing whatever the hell you want as long as it's not affiliated with Viacom of course.

Rise up Americans, Oh and before I go Linda McMahon won the republican nomination for a Senate spot. With that being said, Verizon and Google I challenge you to a 4 sided Texas Chainsaw match for the rights to the internet!

Respond soon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Levi Johnston, the future of reality TV

I LOVE Levi Johnston! No, don’t X me out let me explain. You know Levi right? He's the guy who had a child with Palin's daughter BEFORE MARRIAGE *Gasps all around us.* And if you still don’t know then he's that guy who has no personality and is somehow famous.

This guy couldn't BUY a personality. Even Kathy Griffin failed to work him over. And now he's being offered a reality TV show. Reality TV, how could you sink so low? You were already below sea level when you first broke the scene, but now?! You might as well put CSPAN on your primetime spot. He won’t draw anyone I don’t know anyone that says BOY I LOVE THAT LEVI.

Let me explain why Levi is the best though. He has a child with Palin’s daughter who is currently appealing to the ultra right wing Tea Party members. These guys are the #1 bible thumpers across the board hands down. And their own leader has a daughter who had a child before marriage.

And you know what? They don’t CARE. They’re fine with it. They don’t mind at all about the fact she couldn't take care of her daughter and tell her not to have children before marriage like all good Christians should do. He even cheats, from what I heard? Adultry 110%. And you guys have kept your mouths closed.

So yeah let Palin run this country, she can't even care for her daughter on her OWN STANDARDS that she set for American's. She's always preaching about God and doing the Christian thing. Just like her supporters, but she can’t even get her KIDS to follow what she says. What a dive.

Back to Levi, though, I'm sure he's not going to do some stupid stunt to get you all to watch his show.

Breaking News: He’s running for Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

Well, I was wrong, but can we honestly say we will care? We already hate our own state elections let alone an election FOR MAYOR of the most unappreciated office job ever. (WAY TO GO FOR THE BRONZE RING LEVI!) In a place I'm pretty confident no one could locate or spell for that matter.

You know what I want to see? Levi should run for president.

I'd watch his show then if he ran against Palin in 2012 for the GOP ticket or w/e party he runs in. The future in-laws going at it for the presidency as the entire world watches these two incompetent imbeciles fight for a spot in front of the red button that says "DONT PUSH MISSLES, WILL FIRE". (A little picture of a missile is on there because back in the Bush days we needed visual aids.) I'm sidetracking though.

Think about it, the unmarried couple, the child who could say witty one liners five times a show, the crazzzyyy grandma. The cheating Levi and maybe Kathy Griffin could be the ex who lives next door. Give her something I don’t know. It will have all of us watching in fear. It's perfect. It's Days of our lives without the bad acting. GO FOR IT TV.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What exactly is the point of prisons?

Hi blog, today were going to look into an issue that isn't often put into the lime light in politics. I think it's one of the biggest issues in America right now. We often complain and talk about it but we never see any progress about it from our representatives. I want to tell you about prison.

Prison, it's supposed to be the place people go who did wrong doings, law breakers etc. And they are to learn from their mistakes and come out and never want to go in again. However, the known fact about prison is that 70% of the people return to prison again or break the law again. Why is that? That's a terrible percentage.

The reason why is because prison is no different from where most of these people come from. They are still surrounded by the same bad influences and you just sit, lift weights and do tasks. Sounds pretty familiar to their life outside of jail.

And the most disturbing part of being in jail is the fact these men and woman come out smarter... Not smarter to move themselves from the life of crime but smarter in the ways of thieving and other law breaking tasks. Most come in a minor criminal who didn't know what he was doing and got caught for it. But they come out smarter with how to get away with it the next time.

Obviously just sitting these guys around each other all day isn't going to cut it anymore. We need to change our prison system. Over 1% of Americans are in jail. And it's not going down anytime soon.

Now, what do you do to possibly prevent this? You educate these men and women. You show them a better life with education and teach them that robbing and stealing isn't necessary when a nice job can be obtained through good education. You do this and you will lower your prison rates. You stop these gangs who clearly are running the show within jail.

Most of these gangs RECRUIT IN JAIL. The place that is supposed to prevent you from doing more crime is just a breeding ground for future gang activity once you escape.

How about the unstable and the mentally ill (serial killers etc)? They need help too. They need to be looked after. They do need special treatment. Some of them truly are a menace to society but, even when they do seek help, they aren't getting it.

Remember the barefoot bandit? Did you know his mother all through his high school ten sure sought mental help for him? And the district declined him every single time. Obviously he is a different case since he escaped a mental institution before starting his two year crime run. But am I the only one that thinks it’s disheartening that he was declined several times? What if it was a serial killer instead being denied mental help?

Did you know we’re the most jailed country in the world? It's no wonder if we have a justice system that A. puts the wrong people away and B. hands out probations through several crimes committed by the same person. C. just sits them around like a little kid in time out. Rehabilitate these people. Educate them and your crime will fall.

Let's have prison reform Washington.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fail Friday

It's that time of the week again.  Here are you Friday Fails of the week!

#5 Last night we saw another MLB Umpire blow another baseball game on one poor call. Fortunately it was just the Marlins so only like five people saw it live so I guess it's not too bad.

#4 Conservatives have been criticizing Democrats again due to Taxes (shocker). However with the taxes being done it would free up over eight hundred billion out of the deficient (almost equal to the stimulus) But, instead, Republicans want to talk about possibly losing another 1.6 Billion into the deficient and yet want to oppose the thought of freeing up eight hundred billion from the deficient.

#3 Democrats have also failed as we are at the mid-terms in case you haven't noticed. We are amidst the most extreme group of republicans against Abortion. Angle, Rhand Paul etc. All agree that Abortion should never be done and should illegal even in cases of rape and incest.

And yet no Democrats have brought this up to the light of the public. Abortion has been a completely untouched issue in debates and in the public’s questions to the candidates. Come on now.

#2 At home in Kansas we are seeing the senate race between Jerry Moran and Todd Tiahrt. Never have I seen my state have such a one sided election so far. I drove through town today and saw one Tiahrt sign and about forty Moran signs. And ad's? I've seen maybe one Tiahrt ad and about six or seven a night for Moran. Just drop out now and spare the embarrassment of a landslide.

#1 Our Failure of the week is a true shocker. The industry I'm going to talk to you about…I mean honestly I didn't think they were capable of doing this. Never have I heard of any wrong doing of this industry (SARCASM). Our failure of the week is the insurance companies. Yet again in trouble this time with scamming money from military families who have served the country. Most of these families are only seeing 1% of the pay they are promised in case of injury or death. Where’s the rest go? Right into a non-valid account directly to the corporations banking account. How though? They simply make you sign away 99% of this money days after the death of your relative and force you to sign the contract at your most vulnerable time. How noble.

I also want to tell you a story I heard today about our hero Superman. Superman recently saved a house from being foreclosed.

The family was preparing to move out after being foreclosed when the family stumbled on issue #1 of the Superman comic book! After selling it on EBay the family was given hundreds of thousands of dollars and kept their house. Stories like these really lighten my day and I hope they did for you too. Goodnight Blog!