Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Self Interests

Hello blog, last week I had mentioned a small business bill that would help over 90% of small businesses to hire and get on track. This bill was built with Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans, like RNC chairman Michael Steele, loved the idea of opening capital for Small business and thought it would help tremendously. Then...whoops Obama passed the bill. Then Michael Steel came back the next week to say this bill was a TERRIBLE idea. Just seven days he changes his heart completely about a bill that helps the people they claim to support all the time.

With the lack of options, to not look completely stupid to even the blind people, Fox and Friends quickly solved our problems. By talking about Small Business and how making 250 grand a year is not much...Not much? The average household makes So far less than that. The interesting statistic that comes out of all this, however, is that people making over 250 grand are the…Yes, top two percent!

We live in a time of great distrust of Washington. My distrust goes beyond the campaign slogans about how they appeal to the people and how they will change Washington. It goes to protecting personal interest and your party and NOT the American people that YOU ALL CHIME ABOUT all the time.

You always go on to say how we’re hurting. Yes we’re hurting, but things like this Bill take so long to pass just because the GOP wouldn't swallow some pride! It's a joke, and what will they do next hmm? My guess is they will then say this Bill was ALL their idea and that the Dems tried to reject it.

And what is small business to the GOP anyway? Making 250 grand isn't rich? Only a handful make that much in this country. To them Millionaires are small business, I guess, just remember the next time you hear about how they represent small business to approach it from a skeptic standpoint, because I question it greatly. Instead of getting us back up you want to make sure you win in November. Instead of getting new hirers you want to make sure the Dems fail. Instead of working together to represent the people you sell out to greed. That's what I MEAN by politician’s gone Washington.

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