Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Name Game

Hello blog, today I'm going to present my case. If the GOP wins in November they are still losers in the long run. For one, like most of you may know. They’re divided – Tea Party and Moderates. However, if you look even deeper you can see they’re even MORE divided.

There are so many things they disagree on and then try to say they’re a party.
You got fundamentalists, libertarians, Tea baggers, Sarah Palin (yes, she gets her own category).

All of these elements and they’re primed to take the house. Their sole argument this election is to say that Democrats couldn't change and get it done. Do you expect them to not do the same with all these elements? Imagine if a Fundamentalist wanted to pass a law that said prayer is mandatory in schools. Do you expect the Libertarians to lie down and vote with them? Hell, no!
Try another one: Tea Baggers want to keep the bush Tax Cuts, now there's not so many left, but they’re still are fiscally old school. Conservatives who will say, “No we can’t do that because it costs four times more than the damn plans Obama put out” that we complained cost too much.
With all of these dysfunctions and different ideologies clashing, how can you expect them to get anything worthy done?
In the end it will just be the failure of the GOP. The people, if my predictions are correct, will see that they can’t accomplish anything either and hop back to the Democrat ticket, give up on voting, or somehow stay republican which it's on them if they do.

So, what do you do at that point? Your party is dysfunctional, you can’t pass the legislation you want too and get heated within your own party. So you split Tea Baggers probably first, then Fundies and even the old school conservatives. The Libertarians. And we end up with these multiple parties
Even more so with the idea Newt has to shut down the federal Government BECAUSE THAT WORKED OH SO WELL FOR YOU IN THE 90'S NEWT.
Now, granted, Liberals have this problem too. Blue Collars etc, but they don’t have a massive entity at the moment pushing them and gaining support by the day (Tea Baggers). If the Tea Baggers get their way what does that show to the other factions? Well if they’re on their own Libertarians can be too! Or Fundamentalists can too!

And so on and so on until the three letters GOP afterthought.

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